

A Collective Experience of 40 Years

Throughout our years of operation, Waratah Building Contracting LLC community has worked diligently in the provision of quality services to our esteemed clients. Our ever-improving journey to ensure that we achieve sustainability and proficiency in construction & infrastructure, mechanical & plumbing, electrical works, telecom services, and energy operations, has been a milestone made possible with our resilient, tenacious and courteous management and specialists who have a collective experience of  40 years in handling various tasks within their respective niches.

WBC LLC community works as a unit, we offer diverse services which is always an “under-one-roof” situation within the engineering sector. We understand the problems one might encounter when seeking different service providers in one project and have developed a team to enable clients to get the best quality, in the shortest time possible at a leveraged cost in the engineering works.

Our team consists professionals who have not only been trained in recognized institutions but have gained the field experience for quality assurance, besides, our team has gained recognition within the region as a result of our unity in service provision that is consistent till the handover time. We ensure that any associate organization that offers complimentary services are well assessed from their past projects as well as their client satisfaction details before we partner, this has been the foundation of our proficiency in service provision that exhaustively meets our client demand.

We are conscious of the environmental concerns, and the safety of our clients as well as our personnel’s. With all projects done, we ensure that quality assessment is done in every stage of the project life and that the safety guidelines are followed to the minute ends to ensure that environmental concerns, as well as the safety measures, are obeyed.